Why choose Finnlog?
Finnlog OÜ, the owner of the Finnlog trademark, has been issued the AA credit rating by AS Creditinfo Eesti and has been a stable operator in the Estonian market as well as in other markets for over 19 years. Building a house is a big investment. The experience of the builders of Finnlog may be relied on: every brigade builds more than ten houses every year and the average professional experience of our specialists exceeds five years.
Find a builder that you can rely on!
Finnlog boasts Finnish quality
The quality of our materials is inspected by the National Supervisory Authority of Finland. We use Finnish logs and CLT to build. The factories where our raw material is produced only use appropriate technology to manufacture the materials. We make annual investments in novel solutions and in the maintenance of equipment. The factory prioritises sustainable development and maintaining a stable level of quality.
Value a good quality of life and always choose the best!
International certificates
The materials used by Finnlog to build our timber houses have been awarded the European technical approval certificate issued by Eurofins.
Those documents confirm that each and every house of Finnlog meets the strictest quality requirements.
The houses of Finnlog come with a ten-year warranty
We provide a ten-year warranty to our wooden load-bearing structures.
Such warranties can only be issued by companies which have been operating at least that long and are completely certain of the long-term quality of their production.
Log houses built by Finnlog are warm
Applied research conducted at the Tallinn University of Technology in 2009 proved that the heat retention of the log walls of Finnlog houses in actual outdoor conditions is 15% better than the levels currently used in design work and energy efficiency calculations.
Do not let a random opinion mislead you when choosing a house – examine the issue in depth!
Modern architecture
Cooperation with architects has helped Finnlog to create unique and eye-catching wooden house architecture, which is innovative and aims to achieve comfort and practicality.
We believe that a home should be like a tailored suit: exactly based on the wishes and needs of the client.