
Using timber material reduces CO2 emissions When a tree grows, carbon dioxide is absorbed from the surrounding atmosphere and stored, which means that wood as a material is created in the interaction of solar energy and photosynthesis. 1 m3 of wood contains 1 tonne of CO2, which means that the more active use of wood reduces the global greenhouse effect. Thereat, the material of a wooden house which has been used for centuries can be reused in the energy sector.
Carbon storage based on the example of a multi-storey residential building complex [kg/m2]
The diagram above shows that the carbon storage capability of a CLT panel is approximately fourteen times higher than that of stone/concrete!
Products from forestry and the sawmill industry support carbon sequestration while also reducing the generation of CO2 – such use of wood also has a role as a replacement for fossil fuels.

From the ecological perspective, there are four important beneficial aspects:

  • Lower energy consumption compared to other materials
  • Low time cost, which enables to save even more
  • Additional advantages arising from reuse
  • Possibilities to use production residues