What is CLT?
The development of CLT began in Lausanne, Switzerland in the early 1990s. Several companies started to produce the material based on their patents. In 1996, it became mandatory in Austria to conduct scientific research in the development of modern CLT. The development of the use of CLT remained slow for a few years, but started gathering pace from the year 2000, partially thanks to the growing popularity of ecological thinking in the construction sector – primarily due to its better efficiency, changes in the construction standards (especially in Sweden and in the Netherlands), improved marketing techniques, and distributors. The important factor was that it was felt that CLT no longer remained an experimental structural system. European manufacturers have been following the principle guidelines for the parameters established by the ETA, which allow them to manufacture, but the development work is still being done based on European Standards (EN). Typical types of buildings where these materials are used include apartment buildings and the buildings of educational institutions.
The importance of wood as a construction material has increased over time, which is something that even the most optimistic forecasts could not have foreseen a few decades ago. Structural engineering research in the field of fire and noise protection, development of materials, development of engineering software, and new production technologies have created completely new possibilities for designing wooden buildings.
CLT (cross-laminated timber) a solid wood panel which consists of at least three glued laminated elements placed perpendicularly with respect to one another. CLT panels are used for building internal partition walls, external walls, as well as ceilings and roofs. If CLT houses are designed and built properly and protected from the elements and moisture, they will last for centuries.