Construction time of a log house


Construction works are preceded by designing and applying for a building permit, which take three months, on average. Only then is it possible to start building a house.
The construction time depends on several factors, the most important of which are the size, complexity, and location of the house. An average residential building (150–200 m2) may take roughly six months to complete.

The construction of a house may largely be divided into the following most important stages:

  1. construction of the foundation (0.5–1 month);
  2. construction of the envelope, i.e. the external solution (2–3 months);
  3. interior works and special works (2–3 months).

The construction of the envelope takes about as long as the interior works. This is mainly thanks to the short erection time of log walls, which takes just a few days.

It is reasonable to build the foundation during the warm season, but other stages of the construction of a glued laminated timber house can be performed all year round. This gives both the owner and the builder more freedom in planning the schedule. The possibility to build the wooden part of the house at any time of the year provides a significant advantage compared to some other types of houses, the walls of which cannot be built in winter.